The magic trick to cleaning the entire oven with the bowl method: it will sparkle with cleanliness

Do you want to get rid of encrusted dirt in your oven and you don’t know how to proceed? Don’t panic, because if you don’t use harsh chemicals, you can clean your device with a natural and ecological product without tiring yourself. Demonstrate with this trick to make your oven spotless.

The vapors released by the residue produce noxious smoke which, in addition to giving off a burning smell, alters the delicate flavors of your food.

What method should I use to thoroughly clean the oven?

As a general rule, the oven should be cleaned once a week. To get rid of dirt, some experienced housewives use a quick and effective method. Using steam, this tip allows you to remove all dirt and grease splashes in the blink of an eye.

Also Read: The Genius Way to Reduce Your Electricity Bill: What to Do Every Time You Use the Oven

  • The “bowl method” of cooking vinegar

You don’t need to buy conventional products to clean the dirty and grimy walls of your oven. You probably have a bottle of white vinegar in your cupboard that you can use for this purpose. Renowned for its degreasing, disinfecting and deodorizing action, this product will help you eliminate various encrustations on the oven walls. Simply mix it with water and boil the solution in a saucepan. Pour it into an oven pan and place it inside at a temperature of 180°C. Wait around thirty minutes before to ventilate the oven. The steam will soften the encrustations and make cleaning easier. All that remains is to wipe with an abrasive sponge to remove dirt residue and a clean cloth soaked in vinegar to complete the operation.

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