The natural trick to neutralize bad odors in the bathroom and perfume it for days

Bathrooms can sometimes harbor unpleasant odors, but with a straightforward, homemade solution, you can neutralize these smells and keep your space feeling fresh. This natural deodorizer uses everyday ingredients and offers an eco-friendly alternative to chemical sprays.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup of baking soda: A natural odor absorber that forms the base of the deodorizer.
  • 10-15 cloves: Adds a spicy aroma and has antibacterial properties.
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil: Provides a calming and fresh scent.
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil: Offers a crisp, clean fragrance and additional deodorizing power.
  • 1 glass jar with a perforated lid: Allows the scent to diffuse while keeping the mixture contained.
  • A bowl and spoon: For mixing the ingredients together.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Deodorizer:

  1. Prepare the Base: Begin by pouring the baking soda into a bowl. Baking soda is renowned for its ability to absorb unpleasant odors, making it the perfect base for your deodorizer.
  2. Add Cloves: Next, incorporate the cloves into the baking soda. Cloves not only enhance the scent with their warm, spicy aroma but also bring antibacterial qualities that help keep the air clean.
  3. Introduce Essential Oils: Add the drops of lavender and lemon essential oils to the mixture. These oils not only refresh the air with their delightful scents but also contribute natural deodorizing properties, helping to neutralize bad odors effectively.
  4. Combine the Ingredients: Stir the ingredients thoroughly until the essential oils are evenly distributed throughout the baking soda and cloves. This ensures that the scent will be consistent and long-lasting.
  5. Transfer to a Jar: Once mixed, carefully pour the mixture into your glass jar. If the lid of your jar doesn’t have holes, you can create some using a nail and hammer. The holes will allow the fragrance to slowly diffuse into the air, keeping your bathroom smelling fresh.
  6. Place in Your Bathroom: Position the jar in a discreet but central location in your bathroom. This allows the scent to spread evenly throughout the space.
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