These creatures crawled out of the vents. Family immediately forced out of their home


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention shared that ‘bats are the leading cause of rabies d_eaths in people in the United States.’

‘There is no treatment for rabies. Either you get the vaccine or you d_ie,’ the worries mother said.
Isaiah, the father, said there is ‘no manageable way of understanding if you’ve been bitten.’

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for a new home and growing medical bills.

‘We have renters insurance but they’ve stated to use that “a bat infestation is not a covered loss” and that despite the fact that the home has been declared uninhabitable that it would have to be for a reason that is a covered loss,’ Isaiah said on the page.

‘Dracula is real, ya’ll,’ he added

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