This Easy Trick Will Keep Your Lemons Squeaky Clean Throughout the Year!

A few of easy-to-find items will suffice: Lime juice from 1.5 kg of lemons, vinegar from 50 ml, salt from 3 teaspoons, bay leaves from 3, and garlic from 6 cloves. Indeed, I agree! Let’s go right into the process.
To begin, have your lemons ready. To begin, give the lemons a good scrub under the tap. You must make sure they are pure and unadulterated. Gently use a clean cloth or paper towel to pat them dry after washing.
Second Step: Get Your Jar Spoiled For storing lemons, use a big glass jar with a cover that fits snugly. After rinsing the jar with hot water and soap, it may be dried in an oven set to 100°C for around 15 minutes to ensure it is sterile. In order to keep your lemons from going bad, this is an absolute must. 

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