This is the secret to keeping your house smelling fresh for a whole week

Discover the secret to maintaining a fresh and fragrant home for an entire week. With a combination of natural remedies and expert tips, you can create an enduring aroma that permeates every room. Whether it’s the bathroom or kitchen, the right blend of ingredients and techniques can transform your living space into a delightfully scented haven.

Creating a Long-Lasting Natural Air Freshener

Commercial air fresheners often rely on chemicals to provide a burst of fragrance. However, these can sometimes emit a synthetic, artificial scent that may not appeal to everyone. Instead, embracing natural ingredients not only offers a more authentic aroma but also avoids the use of harsh chemicals. Here’s how you can make your own DIY air freshener using simple, natural ingredients.

Ingredients for a Week-Long Fragrant Home

To achieve a fresh-smelling home that lasts, you’ll need:

Coarse salt – 5 tablespoons, divided
Liquid fabric softener – 2 capfuls, divided
Whole cloves – 1 handful
Cinnamon sticks – 4

Each ingredient plays a vital role:

Coarse Salt: Acts as a humidity absorber and odor eliminator.
Cloves: Provide antimold properties and a robust scent.
Cinnamon Sticks: Offer a subtle, sweet fragrance.
Fabric Softener: Contains perfuming elements that sanitize and scent the air.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Air Freshener
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