This is the secret to keeping your house smelling fresh for a whole week

Prepare the Base:
In a bowl, pour three tablespoons of coarse salt.
Add one capful of liquid fabric softener and mix vigorously to integrate.
Enhance the Aroma:
Stir in a handful of whole cloves to the salt and fabric softener mixture, blending thoroughly.
Follow up by adding two more tablespoons of coarse salt and another capful of fabric softener, mixing well.
Activate the Scent:
Lightly burn each cinnamon stick to release its aroma. This should be done carefully to just warm the sticks without burning them completely.
After warming, add the cinnamon sticks to the mixture, combining them thoroughly with the salt and cloves.
Final Touches:
For an extra burst of fragrance, consider adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil. This step is optional but can personalize the scent to your liking.
Place the prepared air freshener in strategic areas of your home, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Its presence will combat odors and infuse the space with a pleasant smell.
You can prepare multiple batches and distribute them throughout various rooms for a more uniform scent coverage.

Tips for Sustaining Fragrance

Refresh Weekly: The potency of the natural air freshener may diminish over time. Refresh the mixture every week to maintain its effectiveness and keep your home smelling great.
Customize: Not a fan of cinnamon? Substitute it with lavender sprigs or just add lavender essential oil to the mix for a different fragrance profile.

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