Ultimate guide to remove warts, dark spots, black spots and acrochordons (and the 7 natural remedies you need)

Place a small piece of adhesive tape on the wart for 6 days, and replace the tape as soon as necessary. After 6 days, soak the wart in water and then rub with a seed or pumice. The next morning, apply adhesive tape for another 6 days, and continue for two months until the wart disappears.


Rub the inside of a banana peel on the wart several times a day.

Another technique is to attach a piece of the inside of the banana peel to the wart with adhesive tape and to allow it to act overnight. Take it out in the morning, and wash the area. Repeat this procedure every night until the wart starts to soften, for about a week, but the wart should have disappeared within a few weeks or even a month.

Raw honey

Move the wart if you can, then apply a thick layer of honey and wrap a piece of cloth around it. Leave to rest for 24 hours, changing the bandage and re-apply the honey daily.

Natural remedies against acrochordons
Cider vinegar

Apply twice a day with a cotton ball. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the protuberance to fall.

Castor oil and sodium bicarbonate

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