Unpleasant odors emanating from your bathroom? In addition to a thorough cleaning of this requested part on a daily basis, you can get rid of it thanks to unstoppable natural tricks.

– Homemade pills against unpleasant odors in the bathroom

Another natural remedy seems effective in eliminating bad odors in toilets and drains. It is about preparing pills based on natural products. To successfully make this natural solution, six ingredients must be combined.

– A cup of baking soda
– Juice of 1/2 lemon
– A few drops of essential oil (lavandin, clove, etc.)
– A tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide



Mix these components until you obtain a paste. To do this, the composition must be left to rest for more than 16 hours. Then, form small dry balls and use them as soon as bad odors appear. To do this, simply pour them into the bowl and flush them for a clean smelling toilet.

– Coffee beans and lemon peel to eliminate bad odors

These tips are effective  and consist of fighting bad odors. Coffee beans or even orange peel are organic and ecological products that will undoubtedly help you get rid of the annoying odors that emanate from the bathroom. Both solutions will guarantee you a good result. Simply take orange peels or coffee beans and put them on a radiator or in a mug. A subtle and pleasant smell will always remain in your bathroom for your olfactory pleasure.

It is recommended to prioritize natural solutions that do not harm your health. Don’t hesitate to try these tips that you will surely adopt

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