Utilizing Onion for Window Cleaning: An Unconventional yet Highly Effective Approach

2. Onion in Water Method:

Cut an onion in half and place one half in water.
Select a bucket for glass cleaning, add water, and submerge the onion for half an hour.

Wet a cloth in the onion-infused water and wipe it across the windows, removing dirt.

Dry the windows with a clean, soft cloth to ensure a streak-free finish.
This method prevents water stains, leaving windows transparent and clean for an extended period.

Enjoy the transparent clarity achieved with just half an onion, a cost-effective solution likely available in your kitchen. For outstanding results, use microfiber cloths or crumpled newspapers to polish the glass, ensuring a pristine clean and a unique shine that surpasses other cloth types. Witness the transformative effect of this approach, leaving your windows crystal clear and sharper than ever before!

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