Vinegar, not in the kitchen but in the bedroom: just a small glass in the closet | Your clothes will thank you

Why Store Vinegar in the Cupboard?

Cleaning the closet is a task often reserved for seasonal changes. While it’s recommended to clean it at least once a month, time constraints make this difficult. However, vinegar offers a quick, cost-effective solution for maintaining your closet. It’s excellent for eliminating parasites in wooden furniture and freshening cabinets that have musty or unpleasant odors.

Creating Your Vinegar Solution

To prepare your vinegar cleaning solution, start by wiping the surfaces with a vinegar-moistened soft cloth, then let the cabinet dry thoroughly. Fill an empty spray bottle with 180 ml of vinegar and top it up with cold water. This solution can be directly sprayed inside closets and drawers, including those in dressers, and then wiped down with a cloth.

Addressing Bad Odors

Clothes can easily absorb odors from closets, which can be hard to remove. If your cabinets have been recently cleaned, refresh them with a cloth, leave them open for a while, then place half a glass of white vinegar inside and close the doors overnight. The vinegar will absorb all unpleasant odors, leaving you pleasantly surprised when you open the closet the next day.

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