With this solution the tiles remain shiny and clean for months


Tiles: Eliminate Grease with This Solution

Dirty, greasy tiles are unsightly and unhygienic. This straightforward solution will make them sparkle with minimal effort. You don’t need many products; here’s how to prepare it:

Start by taking a bowl and pouring in 25 ml of any general detergent, preferably lemon-scented. Add a tablespoon of talcum powder and mix well. Next, incorporate 6 drops of pear oil, a common household ingredient. Stir the mixture until it forms a creamy consistency.

Then, add 200 ml of water and continue mixing. Once your solution is ready, transfer it into a clean spray bottle.

You can now use this solution to clean your tiles, whether in the bathroom or kitchen. For kitchen tiles, which are usually easy to reach, a cloth will suffice. For bathroom tiles, especially the higher ones, attach a cloth to a broom or long-handled brush.

Apply the solution to a microfiber cloth, wipe the tiles, and then dry them with a fresh cloth. Your tiles will be left gleaming.

This cleaning routine can be repeated as often as you like—daily, weekly, or biweekly. The solution’s effectiveness means your tiles will stay clean for an extended period, allowing you to space out cleaning sessions. Regular cleaning prevents dirt and grease buildup, making maintenance easier

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