16 warning signs that your liver is sluggish and toxins are stored in fat cells

The liver has two methods for detoxification. Toxins, which are toxic substances that can damage cells, are first taken care of by Phase 1 of detoxification. This phase involves the use of enzymes to transform these lipid-soluble toxins into less harmful substances, which Phase 2 can then deal with. Phase 2 of liver detoxification consists of combining these already reduced toxins with other molecules which allow them to be more soluble in water and thus eliminated from the body safely through the emunctories.

Efforts for proactive liver support concern everyone
Even for those who are very careful to follow a healthy lifestyle with organic products, pure water, regular exercise, use of body care and home maintenance without chemicals…. we are always exposed to toxins from our environment (air, soil, water, cars, factories, plastics) and these elements that we cannot control affect us! Even as a holistic nutritionist, I will continue to follow these daily principles of organic food, exercise and a toxin-free home because I know I need it and it keeps me in tip-top shape. !


Is your liver lazy?
When the liver becomes sluggish, toxins are no longer able to be flushed out of the body quickly and accumulate in fatty tissues (because they are fat soluble) and they will stagnate until liver functions improve and so that these toxins can be eliminated safely. This can be one of the major reasons why you are unable to shed excess weight despite healthy diet and exercise.

There are any number of symptoms indicative of a stressed liver, regardless of the degree of your symptoms, but by choosing a holistic approach and preventative measures, you have the ability to improve your liver function and quality of life (because you deserve to feel healthy).

If you experience the following symptoms, continue reading, you will then find ways to improve your liver functions that I encourage you to follow daily.

Chronic fatigue

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