Delicious Sicilian Eggplant Gratin: Gourmet and Easy Recipe

Discover our tasty recipe for Sicilian eggplant gratin which perfectly combines Mediterranean flavors. This mouth-watering preparation combines slices of golden eggplant, a homemade tomato sauce with aromatic herbs, fragrant garlic and a generous layer of melted cheese. Our step-by-step guide makes it easy to make this traditional Italian dish, ideal for a dinner with family or friends. Try this eggplant gratin now which will delight your taste buds with its harmonious marriage of textures and tastes.

4 eggplants
1 large can of peeled tomatoes
50 g of freshly grated parmesan
2 eggs
3 slices of raw ham
2 balls of mozzarella
20 cl of olive oil
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp. tablespoons of crumbled thyme
To obtain the desired firmness, the eggs must be cooked for 10 minutes.

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