16 warning signs that your liver is sluggish and toxins are stored in fat cells

16 Warning Signs Your Liver Is Lazy and Toxins Are Stored in Fat Cells
This amazing article was written by Nicole, a holistic nutritionist who deeply believes that it is possible for everyone to discover how healthy the body is designed to feel good. Nicole works in partnership with her clients to enable them to lead a balanced, nourishing and fulfilling lifestyle. You can check out her fantastic blog with healthy recipes, or follow her on Facebook!

Can we just take a moment to thank our liver for all it does for us? This vital organ works hard every day to filter our toxins and waste from the body as well as performing hundreds of other functions. The main action of your liver is to convert toxins into non-toxic waste products that can be excreted from the body through the emunctories.

We’ve already mentioned that your liver wears many “hats” and is responsible for much of the proper functioning of your overall health. It has over 400 functions in the body, digesting fats with its associated gallbladder, storing essential vitamins and minerals like iron, processing nutrients that have been absorbed in the intestine and processing medicines and alcohols. It is enough to name just a few of its functions to realize the importance of its role for your health.

We don’t want to burden our liver, and yet if we don’t provide our body with adequate nutrients, our hard-working friend will become sluggish and overburdened with toxic tasks to complete.

How does the liver process toxic substances?

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