he home remedy that will finally put an end to your cracked heels. You will no longer have this problem.

Stork-heels Swimmers Heels – Nanopress.co.uk We present below the little-known home remedy that will help you get rid of this troublesome problem forever.

The chapped heels, here are the causes. Slighted heels are a common problem that affects many people. This condition occurs when the skin around the heels becomes dry, hard and cracked. This can cause discomfort and sometimes even pain, especially when walking or wearing open shoes.

Dry skin is the main cause of split heels. The skin around the heels is naturally thicker and drier than on the other parts of the body. If it is not hydrated regularly, it may become dry and crack.

The use of open shoes such as sandals, flip-flops or high-heeled shoes may cause dry and cracked heels. Exposure to dry and dusty air may contribute to the dryness of the skin around the heels.

Overweight and obesity can lead to excessive pressure on the feet and heels, which can cause cracks.

Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc, can cause drying and cracking of the skin.

Sprimmered heels – Nanopress.co.uk Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, can cause dryness and cracks in the skin, including heels.

Prolonged exposure to water may cause dry skin around the heels. This phenomenon is common in people who swim frequently or spend a lot of time in the swimming pool.

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