Dead orchid, add a pinch of this ingredient to bring it back to life in a few days!

Yellowed orchid with rotten roots  ? Is there any hope that the fleshy plant itself will be resurrected?  Just add a spoonful of this natural ingredient  to revive it.

Natural, green and cheap remedies  are best to  make the plant more luxuriant  and give a touch of liveliness and brightness to the orchid that shows obvious signs of rot. Being an  annual perennial plant  ,  the orchid needs a lot of care and attention  to revive it. Let’s find out  how to strengthen the orchid’s immune system  and how to make it lush. Here is the  natural and economical tip.

Orchid with brown roots and weakened immune system: what are the causes?

Sick orchid

There are warning signs that  the orchid is in a state of decline  . This elegant, ornamental plant  needs water, nutrients and lots of daily care.  Water stagnation caused by  too frequent watering causes a weakened immune system, root rot and leaf yellowing  .  Nutrient and fertilizer deficiencies,  pests and direct sunlight can also damage the leaf structure and root system of the fleshy plant.

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