Small black flies in the house: how to prevent and get rid of them

In your apartment, small black flies appear and spread quickly? With the right measures, you can drive away these pests.

Small flies especially sneak into homes on days when windows and doors are open. Another source is purchased plant soil. Once in the apartment, many small black dots quickly collect on the window sills. If you look closely, you will notice that they are black flies . Typically, these are either soil gnats or fruit gnats. With a few home remedies, you can quickly reduce the number of insects in the house.

Soil gnats or fruit gnats

The larvae of soil midges are transparent. In addition, they measure between four and eight millimeters. Their body is transparent with a black head. You can spot them on the potting soil because they move quickly across its surface. Females lay up to 200 eggs in the ground. The larvae that hatch feed mainly on the roots of infested plants and can also transmit mites, viruses or fungi. So, potting gnats are not only annoying, but they also harm your houseplants.

Fruit midges are typically up to three millimeters long. They have a yellow-brown shell and red faceted eyes. They usually enter the apartment via food after shopping. Fruit midges feed primarily on overripe or rotten fruit, as well as other food scraps like jam , vinegar , milk or wine and other foods commonly stored in most homes. They also lay the eggs of their larvae there. So, to avoid accidentally consuming a few of these eggs during the next meal, be sure to store opened food packages airtight and consume them quickly. Cover ripe fruit, store it in the refrigerator, or eat it quickly.

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