Laurel leaves, everyone burns in their houses: what happens will surprise you

Laurel leaves, everyone burns in their houses: what happens will surprise you

That’s why everyone burns bay leaves at home. You’d never really expect the reason, try it!

Does everyone burn bay leaves at home and you don’t understand why? Maybe you don’t know it but it provides many benefits to our body and has been used since ancient times. Whether in the kitchen, on a graduate’s head or burned, there are countless ways to use it.

Laurel is a laurel plant and its leaves and berries contain various essential oils, fatty acids and flavonoids. Its properties are: aperitif, digestive, sudorific, anti-inflammatory, repellent, aromatic, carminative, expectorant.
Burning bay leaves at home: this is what happens

Laurel gives beneficial figures and its combustion has calming and anti-inflammatory effects. The benefits it brings to the body are many and you just have to try it to believe it. Burning bay leaves at home is a different way to relax. After a busy day it is just what you need and it is natural and non-invasive.

However, be careful because dried leaves tend to catch fire more quickly, so be careful not to burn yourself or your house. In fact, it is better to burn the leaves in a saucepan with water to avoid accidents.

The only thing you need to do is take a pot with a little water and put 2 or 3 dry bay leaves inside. We put it on very low heat and let it burn slowly. After just 10 minutes the aroma will be felt throughout the house and the effect will be a feeling of calm.
The benefits of bay leaf.
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