Enchanted Christmas Log


Pit the cherries, pour a cap of kirsch into the cherry syrup and leave the fruit in the syrup. To book.

For the roll:
Preheat the oven to 200°.

First, separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Then beat the egg whites until they become stiff. Then take the yolks, add the sugar and beat everything for a few minutes. You will know they are ready when the mixture has doubled in volume. Now sift the flour and cocoa powder. Once they are thoroughly mixed, pour them over the egg yolk mixture.

Incorporate a third of the egg whites into the mixture you prepared previously to soften the dough. Then, gently fold in the remaining egg whites.

Butter a sheet of parchment paper and line a rectangular baking tray with it. Next, roll out your dough into a rectangle shape until it is approximately 1 cm thick.

Cook for 14 minutes.

For the whipped cream:
Start by filling a large bowl with ice cubes. In the first bowl, nest a smaller bowl into the bed of ice cubes. Then pour the Fleurette cream into this small bowl. Gently whip the cream using a mixer on low speed for about a minute.

Then add the powdered sugar and the chantifix sachets, then whisk for a few more minutes until the cream becomes firm.

Place the whipped cream in a piping bag and set aside to cool.
Remove the cake from the oven, place it on a damp cloth and roll the cake immediately to prevent it from cracking.

Let it cool for a good 15 minutes. Then roll it up gently. Dip the roll in the sweet cherry syrup and follow with a layer of fluffy whipped cream. Finally, decorate the roll with the cherries, arranging them so that they are well arranged.

For mounting:

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