I use ammonia and the grayed things are snow-white again. I tell you how to effectively whiten things

My son really loves white things. These include T-shirts, shirts, and sweaters. But a separate item is white socks, which he changes twice a day. And, of course, they very quickly lose their original whiteness.

And it’s not just about the dirt. After all, from frequent washing, all white things become gray or yellowish over time. These socks look, to put it mildly, untidy.

But I have a proven method that helps correct the situation and restore the original whiteness to even the most washed things. My grandmother shared it with me. And now her advice constantly helps me out.
Next, I’ll tell you how to return things to their original whiteness using just one ingredient.

The photo below is my son’s socks. As you can see, they look untidy . The fabric has become gray and washed out, and the dirt on the foot does not wash off at all. Now I will fix this problem. And for this I will need an inexpensive pharmaceutical product.
Continued on the next page

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